Friday, November 21, 2014

#ThanksMichelleObama Tweets

Many of you may have read that the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama has been making its rounds this past week.  Highschoolers have been taking pictures of their cafeteria school lunches and posting them to show how unappealing the food is.

Taken by Hunter Whitney with the caption
"Had a very #healthylunch today.  The apple definitely made up for the "mystery mush" #ThanksMichelleObama"
Like many, I support offering healthy lunches in school cafeterias and I like the steps the First Lady has made.  It is vital for a student to be properly nutritionally nourished in order to perform well in school.  For some students it is the only meal of the day that can be depended on.  Unfortunately, if this was served to me I would probably not eat it.  

Some schools have had a very difficult time transitioning into the new USDA regulations.  One of the most wide spread of the problems is getting the students to eat what is on the menu.  According to Peggy Lawrence, director of nutrition at the Rockdale County Public School District in Georgia, "If the kids don't eat the food, then all I have is healthy trash cans" (Huffington Post).  

I believe that if we are going to expect students to make healthier food choices it is imperative to show them that healthy food is delicious.  If the healthy lunch that is being served is the only experience they have with that food and it looks like something you would feed your dog, then they are unlikely to be excited about it or to choose it in the future.  Some may come to even equate healthy food with being gross.

Hunter Whitney's picture and the many others uploaded to twitter may have been an exaggeration of how unappealing the lunches are, but are still a problem.  If the lunches are limited to only a certain number of calories and a portion of the lunch is deemed inedible by the student, then they are not  receiving the needed nutrition for that meal.   It is wonderful to hear that nutritional improvements are being made to the food offered, but I believe it is of equal importance to make the lunches look appetizing so as to encourage the students to try new things and view healthy food positively.


Punctuation saves lives!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

TED Talk: Hows Schools Kill Creativity

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

American Education Week 2014

This week is American Education Week!

This is the week we celebrate all of the amazing people who work in education and their students.  This year's theme is, "Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility".  I think each child should be able to attend a great public school, it is an ideal we should strive for.  Sadly, I know that this is not the case for many of the schools that our public school students attend.  Which is why I think having American Education Week is important.

I have had a few great teachers during my grade-school years who I still look back on fondly and who still continue to inspire me today.  I also have many teacher friends who I look up to as mentors and know that they are the type of teachers that will make a positive impact on the students in their classroom.  Educators like these need to be celebrated and their hard work recognized.

I want to thank each of the teachers who put so much time and love into what they do.  Thank you for making a difference in the lives of kids.

For more information about this week, visit the AEW website here:
American Education Week 2014 – Here’s What’s Happening

Friday, November 14, 2014

Kids learn to make intelligent life decisions in 'BizTown' - CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8

Kids learn to make intelligent life decisions in 'BizTown' - CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8

This is so great!  I believe experiences like this are what will truly help students recognize the importance of money management and 5th grade is definitely not too early to learn those skills.  It would be great to see something like this available in all major cities.

Teacher Texting

Happy Friday, everyone!  Enjoy your weekend!

By Patrick Corrigan